Drug and Alcohol Testing
ClinHealth offers comprehensive, regulated and non-regulated drug and alcohol testing services. We will work with you to develop a customized program that meets your individual needs as well as complies with all federal, state and/or company regulations and policies. We also manage drug and alcohol testing programs and offer the full spectrum of testing services related to drugs and alcohol.
“Our goal is to provide comprehensive solutions that provide you with peace of mind things are being done the right way.”

Medical Review Officer (MRO)
As a Medical Review Officer, Dr. Pervall applies her medical expertise and ensures the integrity of the drug testing process to be certain testing is conducted in compliance with federal regulations and company policy and to ensure a drug-free working environment is maintained.
Return-to-Work and Fitness-for-Duty Evaluations
Employees who have been absent from work for extended periods of time, or absent because of serious medical conditions, need to undergo evaluations to ensure they can safely return to work. Our return-to-work and fitness-for-duty evaluations consist of:
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Medical Records Review
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Problem-Focused History
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Physical Examination
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Additional Testing as indicated
Referrals and/or Consultations: If our evaluations indicate the employee needs subspecialty evaluation or specialized testing, we will make appropriate recommendations to the employee as well as the employer.
Post-Evaluation Written Notice: After the evaluation, we give you a written notice regarding an employee’s fitness for duty.

Occupational Physicals and Medical Evaluations
Occupational physicals and examinations are important, determining whether employees or applicants meet medical standards and qualifications for both safety-sensitive and non-safety-sensitive positions. Dr. Pervall and her associated medical providers offer in-depth physical exams and evaluations that meet virtually any need:
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First Responder
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Periodic Health Assessment (PHA)
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Hearing Conservation
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Respiratory Fitness
Comprehensive Assessment: Upon completion of an evaluation/examination, the employer is provided with an assessment, including recommendations for unrestricted duty, restricted/light duty, temporary or permanent disability, workplace accommodations or FMLA coverage. Additionally, when indicated, we provide referrals and/or consultations with specialists, independent medical examiners, Substance Abuse Professionals, and/or employee assistance programs.
Additional Services We Offer
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Diagnosis of Occupational Injury and/or Illness
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Evaluation and Monitoring of Chronic Medical Conditions
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Hearing Conservation
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Preventative Screenings
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Pulmonary Function Testing
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Review and Recommendations of Prescription Medications
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Surveillance Screenings
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Workers’ Compensation Evaluations

Custom tailored programs to meet your organization's needs
We provide customized occupational health services designed to help employers stay in compliance and support the health and well-being of their employees.
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